Heute im Osten
Crossmedia - Show
…is a new TV show on MDR (Central German Broadcasting Station). Every two weeks, MDR presents previously published content from its web show to its television audience. The new and innovative aspect of this concept is that the content is taken from the internet and integrated directly into an interactive TV show. In order to integrate a web-specific interactive (nonlinear) moment into the show, a communication device was developed in cooperation with REALTIME DEPARTMENT. Called the “communicator”, the infrared-based touchscreen is operated live by the show host. With it, he can control and navigate through both the show content and the virtual set during the broadcast. It allows live directing from right inside the studio and establishes an innovative link between Internet and TV.

Cient: MDR
Idea-Concept: Susanne Frericks, Sabine Dully, Thorsten Ulbrich
Producer: Kerstin Kohle
Design: Sabine Dully
Creative Director: Susanne Frericks
Animation: Thorsten Ulbrich
Realtime Development: Realtime Department